
What to do if "Alien Employees" would like to request a residence permit in Thailand?

ลูกจ้างต่างชาติ จะขอถิ่นที่อยู่ในไทย

Alien Employees who wants to apply for a Residence Permit in the Kingdom of Thailand, what are the qualifications, criteria, and conditions for consideration? And what are the documents to submit? The Wonderful Package has answers for who would like to apply for a Residence Permit in Thailand.

First of all, the application for a Residence Permit in Thailand is not open all the time but it has an announcement of the amount of quota specifies (Annual quota), then you can apply it.

Regarding the quota of aliens to have residence in the Kingdom (Refer to the latest data of the year 2019 / for the year 2020 is not have any announcement).

  1. No more than 100 persons of each nationality
  2. No more than 50 persons for stateless people

The applicant’s qualifications to apply for a residence permit in Thailand

  1. Holds a passport of their current nationality
  2. Obtained a NON-IMMIGRANT VISA and has been permitted to stay in the Kingdom of Thailand on the basis of one year visa extension for the total of at least 3 consecutive years up to the application submission date.
  3. The applicant 40 years old, the official must check the background history
    - Fingerprint along with identity information of the applicant will be forwarded to the Criminal Record Division, Royal Thai Police for investigation to find whether the applicant has criminal record or not. 
    - The criminal record certifying letter handed - in by the applicant will be examined. 
    - Investigation through a watch list system of the Immigration Bureau will be made to determine whether the applicant is a prohibited person (persona non grata) according to the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 or not. 
    - Investigation will be made through the Foreign Affairs Division, Royal Thai Police to determine whether the applicant is a wanted person according to the warrants issued by the ICPO-Interpol or not. 
  4. The applicant must reveal information on his/her income, assets, knowledge, vocational ability, and family status in terms of connection with Thai national conditions on national security or others as deem appropriate for the consideration.
  5. The applicant must be able to understand and speak Thai language.

Qualification of applicant for “Alien Employees”

  1. The applicant has to be in a position of executive officer such as President of Committee or Committee of juristic person registered in Thailand with a capital of at least Baht 10 million and is authorized as a signatory for such juristic person, up to the date of application submission, for at least 1 year.
  2. The applicant must earn at least Baht 50,000 per month, up to the date of application submission, for a period of 2 consecutive years as minimum and tax return is required.
  3. The business in which the applicant works must be of an interest of national economy i.e.
    - International commerce where its export value in foreign currency in the past 3 years reached a threshold of Baht 20 million in average. This fact must be certified by a letter issued by commercial bank concerned or a company that provide loan to domestic manufacturing company by bringing into this country, within the past three years, foreign currency at the amount not less than Baht 100 million or
    - Tourism related business which in the past 3 years has brought into this country, at least 5,000 tourists in average. This fact must be certified by the letter issued by the authority concerned or
    - Other type of business that the applicant is a shareholder of at least Baht 5 million for a period of at least 2 years up to the date of application submission.
  4. In case where the applicant lacks of any qualification as mentioned in 1 - 3 then the following requirement is applied.
    - Be a holder of work permit for at least 3 consecutive years up to the date of application submission and
    - Have been working in the current company for at least 1 year, up to the date of application submission and
    - Earn annual income at least Baht 80,000 per month for a period of at least 2 years, up to the date of application submission, or have been filing tax return for the amount of annual income of Baht 100,000 for at least 2 consecutive years, up to the date of application submission.

Documents required when applying for a Residence Permit in Thailand

Important Documents :

  1. Application form (TM.9) Applying for a resident’s visa in Thailand
  2. Health certificate from a government hospital (issued within 3 months)
  3. Certificate of no criminal record from the applicant’s domicile which must be officially certified by Thai consulate in that country or the  applicant’s national embassy located in Thailand, translated into Thai and certified by the Official of Department of Consular Affairs,  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand
  4. Copy of the applicant’s educational certificate must be officially certified by the national embassy located in Thailand, translated into Thai and certified by the Official of Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  5. The letter of employment history from the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment Library and copy of Work Permit in every book and every page
  6. The employment certification letter from the applicant’s work place which is signed by the company’s authorized person required last 2 years and employment application with employment agreement (if any)
  7. Copy of the applicant’s annual personal income tax form (Por. Ngor. Dor. 91 or 90) with receipts for the previous 3 years prior to the application submission year and a copy of the filed personal income tax returns e.g. P.N.D. 50 which must be officially certified by  the revenue officers.
  8. Copy of the applicant’s monthly income tax form (Por. Ngor. Dor. 1) with receipts (if any) from the beginning of the year of application submission (January) until the previous month of application submission which must be officially certified by the revenue officers
  9. Map of residence and place of work
  10. Copy of all of the applicant’s passport (every single page) to indicate the duration of stay in the Kingdom at least 3 consecutive years
  11. Personal information sheet and the photographs of the applicant locating in front of the workplace, outside the office (alone), inside the office with the staff, outside the factory (alone), inside the factory with the staff, with the machines and products (if any) also 10 photographs of the applicant with his/her family taking at the residence both outside and inside. All of the photographs must be postcard size on A4 letter head (company stationary) with description.

Additional documents :

  1. Certificate of the juristic person registration of which the applicant is working with, that must be issued and officially certified by the Ministry of Commerce within the previous 3 months prior to the application submission date.
  2. Copy of the juristic person registration of which the applicant is working with for the previous 3 years prior to the application submission year.
  3. List of the shareholders which is issued and officially certified by the Ministry of Commerce within the previous 3 months prior to the application submission date. And applicant, whose share exceeding 5 million bath, must show the list of shareholders 3 years backward.
  4. Copy of the value added tax (VAT) or the specific business tax registration e.g. Phor. Phor. 01, Phor. Phor. 09, and Phor. Phor. 20
  5. Copy of the financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss statement) together with Phor. Ngor. Dor. 50 (company income tax form) and receipts for the previous 3 years prior to the application submission year which must be officially certified by the revenue officers.
  6. Export certification letter from any bank in Thailand which indicates the total export value in Thai baht for the previous 3 consecutive years prior to the application submission year (only for the export business).
  7. Certification letter from the organization that involves with the tourism business which gives detail about the number of tourists the company has brought in the Kingdom of Thailand for the previous 3 consecutive years prior to the application submission year (only for the tourist business).
  8. In case that the company is considered as one of BOI support, the copy of the BOI card or other documents indicating that support are needed.
  9. Additional documents which are considered as appropriate by the immigration officer.


  • Copies of personal documents must be certified by the alien
  • Copies of the company’s documents must be certified by the company’s authorized person
  • Documents which are in foreign language must be officially certified by the applicant’s national embassy located in Thailand, translated into Thai (e.g. name, telephone number), that can be verified later, must also be provided. And certified by the Official of Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand.

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Thank you for information from

  • The Immigration Bureau


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