What is the difference between State Quarantine and Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ)?

During this COVID-19, New Normal tourism is important for everyone to pay attention to, and traveling to Thailand is the same as well. After entering the country, even if no infection was found but they had to go through a surveillance process of quarantine for 14 days at a hotel, or State Quarantine, or Alternative State Quarantine. Tourists or those who returning to the country can choose for themselves where they want to quarantine. Today, we will explain the difference between State Quarantine and Alternative State Quarantine.
State Quarantine

State Quarantine is a central quarantine designated by the government which is include 3 meals per day for 14 days. The agencies that jointly define the area include the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Defence, and Ministry of Interior. People traveling from abroad must be quarantined to observe symptoms. For Thai citizens returning to Thailand, the government will support the expenses.
Alternative State Quarantine

Alternative State Quarantine is an alternative quarantine facility for those traveling to Thailand requiring 14 days of quarantine. The surveillance approach is not much different, but this ASQ is a model adapted from State Quarantine. For State Quarantine, the government will support the expenses but ASQ is the traveler’s own expense whehter they are Thai or Foreigner. However, there may offer additional packages depending on the hotel and hospital.
Before the hotel can join ASQ, the hotel must pass the government assessment criteria. If the hotel pass the assessment, the Department of Health Service Support will announce the result on the website.
Key Criteria of 6 Categories for Alternative State Quarantine
- Building structure and engineering: There is a safety system ready for use in the building, each room has a separate air conditioning system, and have the telemedicine system.
- Personnel: There are nurses on duty 24 hours a day, with doctors consultant through the telemedicine system.
- Equipment, office supplies and others: There are equipment for the operator and facilities for guests adequately.
- Medical supplies and Personal Protective Equipment: There are provides Medical supplies such as alcohol gel, face mask, thermometer, etc.
- Environmental Management and Community Friendly: There is a standardized of Infectious Waste Management / Wastewater Treatment System.
- Co-hospitals joint operations and additional facility
You can serch for more information from " Criteria Guidelines for the implementation of an alternative state disease control area 14 days "

If you have further questions about entering Thailand, room reservation, or applying for various visas, please contact Wonderful Package. We are willing to give advice and consultation.
政府检疫中心隔离 State Quarantine 和 替代性自费隔离 Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ)有什么差别?
State Quarantine และ Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) ต่างกันอย่างไร
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