What are the procedures to submit the online form of PND.90 and PND.91, and what are the support documents?

The Revenue Department allows tax filing through the Internet. Today, a lot of people pay attention to online tax filing to help reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and save time and travel costs.
Wonderfulpackage will tell you why it is necessary to file taxes. Pay the tax is the duty of the taxpayer according to the Constitution to show transparency in doing honest careers and tax filing is also a part of the country's income to develop the economy and help disadvantaged people.
There are two types of personal income tax filing:
- PND.90 for who earns income other than the salary such as online trading and dividends.
- PND.91 for who earns income from salary only and must not have any other income such as a company employee who receives only wages and does not have any other income.
Support documents for tax filing
- A 50-bis salary certificate from the employer is a document stating how much total annual income? Are there had deducted from any funds?
- The tax deduction items collected throughout the year include parenting allowances, children, or support of disabled people.
- Documents for tax deduction use in filling out tax forms such as life insurance premiums, product purchasing expenses.
Process of filing income tax via the Internet
- Enter the revenue department website at www.rd.go.th and press the filing form through the internet
- When reach the Electronic Tax Administration page, click submit online form. (People who have never registered, must register to file taxes first by filling in their personal information)
- It will enter a screen showing details of the taxpayer information, please recheck the information that correct and up to date.
- Click Next and the system will display the notification message to verify the correct name/last name/address. (If select the next page, it cannot return to edit the information) If the information is correct, click ok.
- When click ok, it will pass to the main page that displays the information of the taxpayer on the left-hand side below. Below is the section status of the taxpayer. In the case of an individual, choose between Single / Married / Widowed (Check the accuracy first) before clicking on the next section.
- After that, it will go to the (Select income/deduction) page, fill in the list of assessable income and allowance.
- Click on the item of assessable income
- Select the exempted income/deduction
- Click next
- Then, it will go to the (record income) page.
- The system will show the type of assessable income as selected in the process. (Select income / deduction) In case of not choosing, it will not appear. You can return to increase/decrease the type of money by choosing to select the income/deduction.
- Record the amount of income for each selected income category. The system will automatically calculate the rate used to deduct expenses but can change to choose to deduct the actual expenses.
- Record withholding tax information (if no, enter 0.00) and record the taxpayer's identification number.
- Click next
- Then it will come to the deduction page.
- The system will display the information on the deduction and exemption items as selected in the process. (Choose income / deduction)
- Able to record the amount of tax deduction and exemption not exceeding the legal limit.
- Click next
- Then come to the tax calculation page. The system will summarize the tax calculation information and the exempted income can be recorded in the tax calculation section as follows:
- Donations to support education / sports / nursing homes / others
- Donation
- Income tax exempt from real estate purchases
- Then will come to confirm the submission of the form page.
- The system will display the page of tax return PND.90 or PND.91, as the case may be, check the recorded information and the amount of additional tax paid.
- Click confirm the submission of the form. The recording of the tax return will be finish.
- When you click to confirm the submission of the form, you will come to the page of the submission results. It will show the amount of your tax refund, the date of the form filling. In case of having to pay additional taxes, it will show the detail how can you pay additional taxes, such as bank transfer or ATM.
Did you see it? Filing taxes via the Internet is convenient and hassle-free and it can also be recorded as evidence or information in the next submission as well.
Thank you for the information from
- The Revenue Department
- thailandsurf.net
- Sanook
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